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JCIJ Summer Gathering


Join us for the Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice's 2nd annual Summer Gathering to come together in community! Please let us know if you can make it - registration is required and tickets are free.

With the unknown election outcome in November, a huge uptick in anti-immigrant rhetoric, and recent Executive actions further undermining immigrant rights, it is more important than ever to build our olam chesed, our world with love. Together we can grow an even stronger community of JCIJ advocates, action takers, and accompaniment volunteers.

Come learn more about how to get involved or deepen your engagement in accompaniment and advocacy over brunch and music. There will also be time for chatting ~ schmoozing (Yiddish) or to echar lashon (Ladino)!

Bring: Please bring (or order) mutual aid items for Welcome Packages for newly arrived migrants at JCIJ is supporting the WA Immigrant Solidarity Network in gathering supplies and delivering Welcome Packages.  

June 2

Accompaniment Training with JCIJ

October 27

Accompaniment Training 2 with JCIJ